Category: Releases

  • IndieBlocks 0.6.2 Released

    Version 0.6.2 of IndieBlocks was just released, and it comes with some pretty big changes.

    IndieBlocks now comes with eight blocks instead of just one. The newly added blocks are the following:

    • Bookmark
    • Like
    • Reply
    • Repost
    • Facepile
    • Facepile Content
    • Syndication

    While the Context block isn’t going anywhere, it is no longer automatically inserted when you create a new note or like—that is, if you’re using IndieBlocks’ note or like post types.

    New likes now start with an empty Like block instead. And as for notes, well, you’re now free to “manually” insert whichever block’s appropriate.

    The new blocks function much the same as the Context block—and it’s super easy to convert a Context block to a Like, Bookmark, Reply or Repost block.

    The big difference is that the newer blocks allow you to display a title and author name too, rather than just a URL. (Heck, they’ll even fetch said information for you.)

    “Theme” Blocks

    The Facepile (and Facepile Content) and Syndication blocks are somewhat different: think of them as “theme” blocks, best used in combination with WordPress’ new Site Editor.

    The Syndication block, by default, will output those “syndication links” associated with the Share on Mastodon and Share on Pixelfed plugins (but other links, i.e., those saved by other plugins, can be added as well).

    The Facepile (Content) block, then, can be used to display certain types of webmentions as a list of clickable avatars, separate from “regular” comments (and Webmention replies).

    And More

    There’s even more changes under the hood, and a couple extra settings. Which means the Documentation is in need of a bit of an overhaul. Let’s call it a work in progress.